Thursday, July 5, 2007

Windows Sharepoint Services Portlet

I have uploaded the portlet for accessing a Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS) 2.0 site and retrieve data from there and displaying in a portlet on Project Bevy.

There are a set of portlets included in this project viz. List Portlet, Meeting Portlet, Document Library Portlet, Alerts Portlet etc. Each of these portlets will allow you to access the similar artifact on the WSS site. That is, the List Portlet will allow you to see data from any selected list on the WSS site.

Each of these portlet follows the same UI principle:

  • Deploy the portlet to your portal ( Refer documentation of you portal or portlet container to deploy the portlet )
  • In the Edit Mode of the portlet, you will see two links, one to edit the site information and the other to select the artifact you want to view.
  • Select the "Edit Site" link, and add the WSS site information you want to access. Including site URL, username and password (Only Basic Auth supported. No NTLM ).
  • After the site info is entered, click the "Edit List/Document Libraries/Meeting" link. This will bring you a list of all Lists/Meetings/Document Libraries available on the selected site. Select any one you wish to see in your portlet. Click Ok.
  • And now in the view mode of your portlet you can see the data from the selected artifact in the WSS site in your portlet.
You can download the portlet from the main download page on Project Bevy.


Salahudeen said...

can you please tell me the steps on how to deploy this portlet on a WSS 2.0 site.

Sandeep Soni said...

You deploy these portlets on your portal server. The instructions to deploy portlets are specific to every portal server. Consult the documentation of your portal server to see how to do this for your specific portal.

Typically the portal server has an administration console that you can use to deploy portlets.

Mike Bosch said...

Thanks Sanddep