Saturday, June 30, 2007

Charting Portlet Added to Project Bevy

I talked about the Project Bevy being opened up on Google Projects in my last post. I did an article a while back on Sun Developer Network on how you could incorporate dynamically generated charts in your portlets and had included sample code in that article.

Recently I rewrote the charting portlet from scratch and added a lot more features to it. Now the portlet takes configurable parameters for getting its charting data. It takes in a user specified ( configured ) database connection, SQL queries and then based on the chart type the user selected displays the chart dynamically.

I have added this charting portlet as my first entry into the project Bevy. Check out more details of it here and download and use it if you find it useful.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Project Bevy!

Check out the Project Bevy I started a few days ago on the Google Open Source Prjects. Like the word "Bevy" suggests, the project will consist of a group of useful utilities/projects written in different and varying languages. The projects will range from JavaEE, JavaSE, Windows Applications written in C/C++, .NET technologies etc. In addition to it I will be adding several useful scripts that I have done over the past years in different languages- Perl, PHP, WSH,BAT etc. The project is open, if you share interests and have something that you feel you can add to the project, check it out and sign up!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Number Game!

Consider that you have a 32 bit machine and you have a number such as say Hex CF39. How would you go about counting the number of 1's in the binary representation of this number? In other words, the binary representation of CF39 is 1100111100111001. What is needed is a way to count the number of 1's in this number i.e the answer should be 10.[ Your 32 bit machine doesn't have an instruction that can do this :-) ]